Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1 Discussion Board

Week 1 Discussion Board

Q Initial Post: For your initial post you will need to identify two families. You may select families from TV, movies, literature, or theatre. Introduce each member of the family and describe their role in the family. What challenges does this family face? One family must be from the time period prior to 1990 and the other must be from after 1990. Please include a picture of the family if possible.

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Small Wonder is the family I choose to write about before the 1990s. The program follows the family of a robotics engineer who covertly makes a robot that looks like their adoptive daughter, Vicki, and then tries to pass it off as her. Vicki, a 10-year-old robot created to seem like a girl who lives with her inventor Ted Lawson, Ted's wife Joan, and their son Jamie